Rashida Dawson appointed Community Advisory Council Member


United Way of Northwest Louisiana’s (UWNWLA) Vice President of Financial Stability Rashida Dawson has been appointed council member for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Community Advisory Council. Dawson will represent north Louisiana, sharing perspective on the region’s current and emerging economic conditions.

The Community Advisory Council provides a means for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to build an effective line of communication with a diverse group of community leaders in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District regarding current and emerging economic conditions. In addition, the Council will allow these leaders to develop a deeper understanding of the Federal Reserve System and its role in conducting monetary policy.

“I’m profoundly honored and humbled to serve on the Community Advisory Council for the Dallas Fed,” said UWNWLA Vice President of Financial Stability Rashida Dawson. “I hope to bring light to north Louisiana, share our developments, and strategize ways to break down barriers and increase economic mobility for our residents, especially low-to-moderate-income families.”

Rashida Dawson - United Way NWLA

The 15-member advisory council is appointed by the Federal Bank of Dallas’ President and CEO. Members are leaders of community development, social services, education, nonprofit, or philanthropic organizations. They are familiar with issues of concern to communities in the Eleventh District, with particular focus on the concerns of low—and moderate-income populations. Members are appointed for a 3-year term, with eligibility for reappointment to a second term. The standard term of membership is three years.

“As Vice President of Financial Stability, Rashida has a deep understanding of A.L.I.C.E. (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) individuals and their financial strengths and weaknesses,” said UWNWLA President and CEO LaToria W. Thomas. Through Bank On Northwest Louisiana and the Shreveport Financial Empowerment Center, Rashida has been one of our community’s driving forces and leading advocates for financial stability. “We know she will represent north Louisiana with excellence and be a powerful voice for those struggling in our community.”

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is part of the Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the United States. Its public mission is to serve the American people by promoting a strong financial system and a healthy economy for all.

To learn more about the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, please visit https://www.dallasfed.org/fed.

Picture of Paul Savage, Jr.

Paul Savage, Jr.

Paul Savage, Jr. is a graduate of Centenary College of Louisiana and is the owner, founder, & designer of Savage Creative Solutions. Savage Creative Solutions is a full-service, integrated marketing agency headquartered in Shreveport, LA with a growing national footprint across multiple industries. Savage is a local marketing and communication professional, entrepreneur, and accomplished author. His debut memoir, "Diary of A Testicular Cancer Survivor," has been featured on Amazon's best-seller list.

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