After the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled in favor of incumbent mayor, Adrian Perkins, he will remain on the ballot in November. He is currently one of 10 candidates vying for the position.
The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled 4-3 in his favor.
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Things just got shaken up a bit in the 2022 Election cycle. Caddo District Judge Brady O’Callaghan has ruled that Mayor Adrian Perkins is disqualified from running in the 2022 Mayor’s Election.
The ruling could still be overturned by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals or the Louisiana Supreme Court.
The ruling comes after Perkins filed a Notice of Candidacy that listed a South Shreveport address as his residence. Perkins previously purchased a condominium in downtown Shreveport and had filed a homestead tax exemption on the property. Louisiana law states that a person claiming a homestead must register to vote in the same precinct as said homestead, in this case his downtown Shreveport residence.
Perkins filed a Notice of Candidacy on July 22 that certified a south Shreveport address as his residence, which is also where he claimed to be registered to vote.
Perkins updated his voter registration to reflect his downtown residence on Saturday, July 30.
Filing a false or inaccurate certification on a Notice of Candidacy is grounds for disqualification under Louisiana Law.
It’s yet to be determined if the incumbent mayor will appeal the decision.