DDA offers lighting grant for downtown businesses


The Downtown Development Authority is offering a lighting grant that will provide funds for eligible businesses to enhance lighting of public areas in downtown Shreveport.

The Façade Improvement Micro Grant is meant to brighten up our downtown and provide additional safety and security for those who visit downtown Shreveport. “The Downtown Development Authority is taking a two-pronged approach at encouraging more light downtown,” the DDA shared in an announcement on their website. “We will continue to work with our partners at the City of Shreveport and SWEPCO in making sure that the ‘Streetscape’ (fancy light poles on the sidewalks) and cobra head (the tall plain poles, mainly at intersections) lights owned and maintained by the City and SWEPCO are in working order.”

They are also encouraging business and property owners downtown to use LED lighting and keep them on from dusk until dawn.

The grant provides up to $2,000 to improve lighting that impacts public spaces downtown. This could include upgrading interior lights to LEDs, adding window lighting, or adding additional exterior lighting.

You can learn more about the grant or apply by clicking here.

Picture of Paul Savage, Jr.

Paul Savage, Jr.

Paul Savage, Jr. is a graduate of Centenary College of Louisiana and is the owner, founder, & designer of Savage Creative Solutions. Savage Creative Solutions is a full-service, integrated marketing agency headquartered in Shreveport, LA with a growing national footprint across multiple industries. Savage is a local marketing and communication professional, entrepreneur, and accomplished author. His debut memoir, "Diary of A Testicular Cancer Survivor," has been featured on Amazon's best-seller list.

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